New Year Updates

New Year Updates

Good afternoon, Johnnie Soccer!

(Click “Read More” below for full post)

I am beyond excited and grateful for the opportunity to lead this program. It feels like home. It’s a privilege that I never thought I would have. While it’s probably been odd to see me wearing different colors for these past few years, you should know that my heart has always been here. My fishing hat is the same cap I wore as a player and my morning coffee has always been poured into a red & white mug. We all know that the legacy of Saint John’s Soccer is a huge one and this is a program with massive potential… the last untapped sleeping giant in the region! It is time that giant is awakened. For one reason or another, that hasn’t been the case in recent years. The postmortem on that isn’t necessary… but what I can say is the institution is deeply committed to the new era and understands that it’s time the legacy continues. Resources are being added and the school and administration are locked in on supporting my vision for Johnnie Soccer.

The next few months will be busy ones, where I focus on recruiting and hiring my new full-time coach (news to come on that). I have already spent time at ECNL (Elite Club National League) Florida. I am working on a weekly basis with Minnesota Thunder Academy & also Minneapolis City SC. Some of the recruiting events coming up in the next six weeks will include: the Shattuck St Mary’s Showcase, Minnesota United ID Showcase, Gretna Elite Winter ID Camp (Omaha, NE), ECNL Las Vegas, Colorado Rapids Winter ID, & the Minnesota Thunder Academy Showcase. So, as you can see January and February will be busy as we look to transform the roster and install some new standards.

I will make sure that updates reach you throughout the rebuild. Minimally every 4-6 weeks in the off season, but more frequently throughout the Fall playing season. I also look forward to reengaging our incredible alum in this new era! I already went for a few pints with some guys from the ’79-’86 years organized by Terry Leiendecker and others. One key alum objective is to get pockets of alum together for more frequent happy hour events like this. Theresa & I live in Rogers so being able to pop in and join for these would be my hope whenever possible. More to come on that, but if you are someone who thinks they can organize a pocket of alum grad years, please let me know… At some stage I would like to get a WhatsApp group built where we can seamlessly two-way communicate.

Overall, I feel very confident and excited about what is coming next. We’ll get this rolling in no time. We will also always honor the legacy that you guys left. We understand our mandate… to connect the generations of Johnnie Soccer players who built this program and ultimately make you all proud. That means win and win well. Whether you played for Pat, John, Noel or now me… a new chapter is being written, not a new book. It promises to be a pretty good read.

My hope and ask from you guys? Don’t wait to support the program again until after we are lifting MIAC trophies, which is just a matter of time. Be there right now as the legacy continues and that new chapter is written. Connect with your classmates. Come to games with your families. Help us

organize happy hours and golf outings. Tell that talented club player you know that he should look at SJU.

I look forward to connecting with you all again soon and restoring this special program back to where it belongs…. Top of the MIAC and on the national stage!


For regular updates of what is going on in the program, consider following our Instagram. Posts on recruits, current players, spring training, & general changes will happen weekly on this platform.