The Boys Are Back

We are now a week into our fall season, and it has been incredible to share the beautiful game again with the Family. Due to Covid protocols there are many things that are different right now. The biggest change is that we won’t have matches this fall, but we are working on the logistics of a MIAC schedule for this spring. In order to start training safely, we are spending our first 14 days together in pods of no more than 11 student-athletes. On recommendation from Danny Bruckbauer ’18 we are calling this Poddy Training. We’ve named our five pods POD Stewart, Harry PODder, Paul PODba, Dennis PODman, and Dad POD (5 members pictured above prior to running the Yo Yo Test).

Once the initial 14-day phase is over we will, assuming we have collectively avoided Covid, be able to begin more traditional training with the entire group. Because of the limited pod numbers the workload has been incredibly high thus far. We have been spending full training sessions in 3v3 or 4v4 situations which are incredibly taxing as you know. Once we transition to full practices, we will begin to aim toward 5-6 red/white scrimmages in hopes of finding focus in a full fall of training without outside competition.

In other news, our lead assistant coach, Noel Quinn, was just named the MN United’s Director of Youth Development. When he first told me that this opportunity had presented itself, I was waiting for the other shoe to drop regarding his ability to actively helping the program. He was quick to ease my mind by telling me he had every intent to continue. There is not another assistant coach in the country as qualified and passionate as Noel!

One of the primary reasons I felt I could approach Noel about joining the staff a year ago was due to our wildly successful Go Johnnies Challenge fundraising event in the spring of 2019. We had over 100 donors gift the program in excess of $16,000. That level of support allowed a paradigm shift from trying to make ends meet to the luxury of expanding the soccer experience for the boys. Due to Covid we aborted our give day last spring, but we are cranking it back up for this Thursday. If you are in a position to help, please check out the info below about options for supporting our 2020 Go Johnnies Challenge!

We currently have a $40 per donor match (for the first 100) in place due to the generosity of Mike & Sue Scherer, Patrick & Mary Ann Haws, and Matt & Jenna Haws. Jennifer and I have again opted in with a $5 per donor match ourselves as well.

Our Family vs. their team,


There are several ways you can support:

  1. Support the soccer family through a simple donation. Make sure to set soccer as the designation. DONATE

  2. Become an advocate and encourage and promote the event on any social media outlets. ADVOCATE Any advocate that generates 3 donations will get a “Johnnie Strong” shirt sent their direction.

  3. If so inclined, set up a matching gift that will encourage others to donate. Make sure to set soccer as the matching designation. MATCHING GIFT

a. Enter dollar amount and decide if you will make the full gift regardless If the match is not complete met (check box)

b. Select “Other” and enter a dollar amount to give and check the “Per donor” box

c. Select the Match a designation box and select the designation you want to match

d. Fill out the rest of the form.